Colette Acra is an American Lebanese artist, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. Her passion for art has been evident since her early childhood. From a very young age, she began by sketching her family members at home, her mother knitting, her father watching TV, her brothers reading or studying. Throughout her school years, she consistently utilized any free space on her notbooks to draw. She developed into drawing portraits and figures of friends and relatives, and everything she finds in her way.
After graduating from the American University of Beirut, Colette enrolled at Academie Michelange des Beaux Arts, then at the Lebanese University to study fine art. She opened her own Studio in Beirut, where she invited art professors and artists to work and exchange ideas.
She experienced the horrific long civil war in Lebanon, traveled a lot and pursued a successful career, lastly as general manager of Lufthansa German Airlines for several years. Her creativity and love for art were always reflected in everything she did.
She currently lives in San Diego, California since January 2013, where she continues her journey inspired by the beauty in the little things of the world around us.
Being a pianist, her love for music is reflected in her paintings.